The Worst Cocktail in the World

The worst cocktail in the world is the “Sourtoe Cocktail.”

If you think you’ve had some bad drinks in your time, consider the one served up in Dawson City’s Downtown Hotel Bar. It’s made with a shot of your choice, garnished with (I’m not making this up) a real human toe.  And we’re not talking about the useless little toe on the end of your foot – this one’s the big toe–fatty, all shriveled up brown and nasty with toenail still attached.

What would motivate someone to drink a shot with a severed human toe?  I suppose the simple answer is to say you’ve done it.  It’s a sure fire conversation starter and from this point forward, whenever there’s a lull at a dinner party, we can break out, “This one time, I had a drink with a human toe in it.”  Like winning gold at the Olympics, once you’ve done it, it’s something no one can ever take away from you.

Here’s how it goes down (pun intended).  Owner Captain Dick (or a bartender posing as Captain Dick) presents you with a hat and a shot.  He produces a glass jar from behind the counter that is filled with salt.  Ceremoniously, he fishes the toe from within and gently brushes the salt away leaving it on the counter for you to ponder your fate.  While your heart races, he reads the Sourtoe Cocktail Decree ending with, “You can drink it fast, you can drink it slow, but your lips must touch the toe.”  The toe is placed in the shot, you toast the bartender, and it’s down the hatch.


Only Jeff’s didn’t work out quite that simply.  As he took his shot the toe sort of stuck in the bottom of the glass, and he had to shake it to make the toe to slide towards his mouth.  Then, in the blink of an eye, it broke free and plopped fully into his mouth.  It’s hard to say exactly what goes through your mind when you have an amputated toe in your mouth.  I suppose “get it out!” is the first thought, but he admitted later he was so full of adrenaline that he hardly knew what he was doing, and only the salty remains on his lips reminded him of his close encounter with cannibalism.

Amanda was much more dignified with her shot, and she let the toe touch her lips to the roaring cheers of a drunk local with a missing front tooth.  When you live in The Yukon, hot girls drinking shots laced with a toe, is pretty much gold, I suppose.

When you’ve had your drink, you are presented with a certificate and become a permanent member of the Sourtoe Cocktail Club.  We are now members 46,109 and 46,110.

The origin of the Sourtoe Cocktail is murky, but we were told the first toe was left on the bar’s doorstep one night.  There have been several toes used since that first one.  Some have been stolen and others swallowed (there’s a big fine if you’re that stupid).  If you happen to be in Dawson City and want to try the Sourtoe Cocktail for yourself, it’s $5 plus the shot and you must be there between 9:00-11:00 PM.  Get there early, because believe it or not, there’s usually a line.

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